Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Scenes at Nagadeepa Vihara, Sri Lanka.

Two representations of the legendary gem-studded thrones in the Vihare premises.

Nagadeepa - Nainatheevu is venerated by the Buddhists as the site of the visit of Lord Buddha during His existence as 'Sakya Muni'. On seeing by His paranormal powers that there was going to be a massacre of human lives over a fight for possession of a gem-set throne by two clans of Nagas, he appeared at the site and took possession of the throne. He then preached his Dhamma to the Nagas and brought peace and amity among them. This incident is related in the Tamil Buddhist kavya 'Manimekhalai' (estimated to have been composed in the time period second century to the eighth century of the present Era) and in the Mahawansa written in Pali in the fifth Century of the present Era.

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