Friday, October 15, 2010

Old light house at Pesalai, Sri Lanka.

This is an old light house claimed to be dating back dating back to ?Portuguese times - 16th Century. You can see that the top of the light house is flat. Firewood was hauled up and lighted there, to warn away ships from the treacherous shoals off shore. I took this photo when I was working in Mannar in 2004.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

'Pattinagala', Yala, Sri Lanka.

A rocky prominence called 'Pattinagala' marks the spot in the coastline of Yala, where the 'Tsunami' washed away about twenty Japanese. The term 'Pattanam' in Tamil means a coastal town. There must have been a coastal metropolis in ancient days at this site. Who knows what similar disasters would have wiped away these coastal towns. Being on the southern tip of Sri Lanka, this would have been an ideal landfall for mariners in ancient days.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Garden, Watawala, Sri Lanka.

Just past Watawala on the Ginigathena - Hatton road, is a welcoming tea stall run by 'Zesta teas'. It is a lovely spot to have short eats and tea. Across the valley you can see the railway line on which, the passage of a train winding its way on the side of the mountain, is a beautiful sight.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Roads leading to the Castlereigh Dam, Sri Lanka.

The Castlereigh Dam was one of the first post-Independence Hydro power projects put into operation by the newly independent Ceylon. It is set in very picturesque country. Tea is the main crop here. I took this picture during a sunny interval on a drizzly day.

A view from the 'Temple of the Tooth', Kandy, Sri Lanka

I took this picture when the cherry blossoms were in bloom, from the ramparts of the 'Dalada Maligawa', Kandy. You can see the crowd of worshippers in the courtyard.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sunset at Avissawella, Sri Lanka.

Tropical sunsets are gorgeous. The ideal places to watch sunsets are from the Eastern seaboard or across a stretch of water with an uncluttered horizon. It could also be enjoyed from a hillside. The above picture was taken by me at Avissawella where the horizon was cluttered with trees. It gave a pleasing effect.

Alupola water falls, Rathnapura, Sri Lanka.

The Alupola falls has to be reached by a side road going from Wewalwathe 18 miles from Rathnapura on the Mawala - Hapugasthenne road. It is visible from the road and consists of three seperate waterfalls. The first is the tallest and is shaped like a chair, the second is like a bridal veil and the third is like a pregnant womans belly. It is a nice spot to have a picnic lunch. During the rainy season it is dangerous with the muddy water roaring down with driftwood and stones.