Thursday, February 14, 2013

The beach at Thondamanaru, Sri Lanka.

'Sinna Kadatkarai' overgrown with weeds (Ipomea biloba)

Abandoned house on the road to the 'Periya Kadatkarai'

The beach near the junction of the Thondaman Aaaru with the sea.

The beach near 'Sinna Kadatkarai'.
Life is returning very fast to these areas. The youngsters who gambolled on the beaches in the evenings were not evident. The elders who used to relax on these beaches were not evident.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

'Periya kadatkarai', Thondamanaru, Sri Lanka.

Boat in the bay with the KKS point visible in the left horizon.

Boats and trawler drawn up on the beach.

'Catumarams' and fibre-glass boats on the beach.

The beach with tiny sea-shells.

Saturday, February 9, 2013