Thursday, April 19, 2012

Water for the 'onion fields', Aavarangaal, Jaffna, Sri Lanka.

Transporting a petrol/kerosene powered water pump to the field.
The water-pump in action pumping water from a deep well.
Directing the water to each section of the onion field.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

'Dambakola Patuna', Jaffna, Sri Lanka.

The sea route taken by the sacred Bo Sapling.
A representation of the scene of reception of the sacred Bo Sapling.
A Bo tree in the premises
A 'Dolos Mahe' (twelve month) Pahane in the premises.
A statue of Sanghamiththa Theri who accompanied the Bo Sapling.
The site where the Sacred Bo Sapling taken from the Sacred Bo Tree at Buddha Gaya was brought ashore in Sri Lanka was known as 'Dambakolu Patuna'.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012