Thursday, October 24, 2013

Yapahuwa, Sri Lanka.

The two 'Gaja-singhe' statues guarding the entrance.

One of the two 'Chinese lions' seen against the sky.

The entrance stairway.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Carvings in granite, Yapahuwa, Sri Lanka.

Female dancer with musicians.

Acrobats with dancers.


Female dancer with cymbal player and drummer.
The female dancers were shown with large breasts, wide hips and narrow waists. These have been the ideals of a female form for millenia in the South Asian region. This form is described in the literary traditions here.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Coming down from the Yapahuwa rock, Sri Lanka.

Precision-fitted granite blocks.

Stone carvings.

Going down the stairway.

The 'Chinese Lion' and the 'Gaja-singhe' stone carvings.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Coming down, Yapahuwa, Sri Lanka.

The top of the rock, view from below.

A stone retaining wall.

Carvings on a granite pillar.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Coming down from the top, Yapahuwa, Sri Lanka.

Flowers growing wild near the top of the rock.

Iron guard rails on the rock.

Cactus plants growing wild.

Stairway with guard rails.
A fresh breeze blowing it is a pleasure to see the surrounding countryside while climbing down.