Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ring-necked Parakeet, Kosgama, Avissawella, Sri Lanka.

Parakeets come visiting the 'Jambu' tree in our garden at Avissawella, when the tree is loaded with fruits. I took this video of a 'Ring-necked Parakeet' enjoying the soft, rose colored,  'Jambu' fruits at its leisurely pace. Click on the link below to see the video.

Nest of a 'Plain Prinia', Kosgama, Avissawella, Sri Lanka.

I saw the nest of a 'Prinia' on a tree close to the entrance of a house at Kosgama, Avissawella. I took the picture of the nest above. You can see the chicks inside. One bird flew out and sat on a branch closeby. I presume it was the mother. I took a video of it. Click on the link below to see the mother and its chirping.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Saturday, October 8, 2011


I took this picture in the 1980s on a 'timed exposure', using candle light. The camera used was an SLR with a 50mm lens. This was in the post cyclone days in Batticaloa when power supplies were being restored and there were frequent power cuts.

Uganthaimalai, Batticaloa, Sriu Lanka.

Uganthaimalai is a famous rock temple dedicated to Lord Murugan. It lies on the sea-shore on a rocky outcrop. It lies on the path of the pilgrims walking from the north of the Island to Kathirgaamam. I took this photo on a visit with a group from the Batticaloa Hospital. Photo taken by me on an SLR in the late 1980s.

Batticaloa sunset hours

I took this photo on an SLR in the 1980s, near the Rest House, Batticaloa. Colour photos were available at that time but were too expensive.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Alupola waterfalls, Wewalwaththe, Rathnapura, Sri Lanka.

The Alupola waterfalls lies close to the bridge crossing 'Pandy Oya' on the Wewalwaththe - Alup[ola road. It is about 21 miles from Rathnapura, Sri Lanka. The road passes through beautiful hilly country covered by tea and rubber estates. Click below to see a video of the waterfalls posted by me on Youtube.